Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Monthly (apparently) update!

Once again, almost a month since my last post... but I've been busy, and this time I have work to show for it!
First off, you can download the latest issue of the codex here. As usual, I am referred to as Evar-Scarcarver. The colored version of my drawing I posted earlier is on page 20, not that I'm encouraging you to skip pages. (Unless you are not a fan of Heroscape, in which case the magazine will be quite boring for you to read.)
Another big project I've been working on is Good Morning YouTube, which at the time of this posting has two episodes released on our channel and thirteen subscribers. We are also working on a website for it, and I am almost done editing the third episode.
So far both projects mentioned, (the HS Codex and GMYT) have been great, they've helped me learn to work on a team and helped me develop new skills.
Not only are these projects going to continue with updates, I have more projects and posts in the works, so expect more soon!